Robot Me: As if the Ammoconda wasnt bad enough, after feeling he lost his skills, he went and got mechanical enhancements and became the Bolt Python.Non-Standard Character Design: The Last Dragun is the only enemy rendered using polygonal 3D assets.Multi-Armed and Dangerous: Gungamesh, a four-armed gunslinger who acts as a boss.Luck Manipulation Mechanic: The combo system is a form of this.Locomotive Level: Some versions of the Mines take this form.Living Statue: The Sepulchergeist is the Challenge Shrine, possessed by the spirits formerly inhabiting the Kill Pillars.I Choose to Stay: The Bullet, unsurprisingly.Happy Ending Override: The gungeoneers killing their past caused a localized Time Crash, causing the Gungeon to collapse and forcing them to escape it in order to get any worth out of it.The Ghost: Blockner and the Ledge Goblin are mentioned by Manuel and Trorc, respectively, but never appear.The Last Dragun is the High Dragun's remains after taking on The Lich's power.The Medusalier is the Gorgun riding atop a Fuselier shell.The Eyebalrog is the Beholster wearing the shell of the Cannonballrog.Fusion Dance: Two bosses are fusions of bosses from the first game.Fly-at-the-Camera Ending: With the Pilot's ship.Escape Sequence: The Convict's version of the Mines has her chased by a giant worm.Elevator Action Sequence: 90% of the game.Dragon Ascendant: The Chancellor is a boss fight this time around, having taken the Bullet King's place after you killed him.Dracolich: The High Dragun has now become this, having been Stripped to the Bone and is now hell-bent on destroying the escaping Gungeoneers.The Dog Bites Back: Manservantes, having been stuck as the Gunsling King's lackey throughout the previous game, has since managed to usurp and reduce him to a glorified golf ball in his "Just Desserts Golf" mini-game.The way Trorc tosses beer cans at the dummy of the Ledge Goblin is also in the spirit of the trope.The Convict sets up one using Black Stache's photo.Collapsing Lair: The Gungeon is falling apart, and now the Gungeoneers must escape starting from The Forge.Callback: Bello no longer attacks you for shooting in his shop, but he reminds you that it happened.In their ending, their parachute fails to open, causing them to fall on their face, and they're left behind by the other Gungeoneers' ship just as they're about to enter. The Cultist is this even more than before.The Gunsling King has had his position usurped by Manservantes, who forces him to participate in games of golf.Bullet Time: One of the two control schemes, in which time slows to a crawl so you can properly aim your jumps and dodge rolls.Blatant Lies: Winchester's Original Game is pretty transparently an Angry Birds clone.Back from the Dead: The Fallmonger, aka the Deathvator, is the Wallmongers dead body trying to fight back against you.Art Evolution: The overall sprite work is much more detailed, and the Gungeoneers' portraits make them look younger compared to their Enter portraits, especially The Convict.Ambiguous Situation: Did the Gungeoneers intentionally leave the Cultist behind, or did they do it accidentally in their haste to leave?.